Friday, June 29, 2012

Our Garden - 2012

It's taken three years and many failed efforts, but I have finally crossed the line from feeling like a brown thumb to feeling proud of my ability to grow food for my family.

What made the biggest difference, I think, was trial and error. What they say about learning from your mistakes is true - learning what NOT to do. And I for sure made a lot of mistakes along the way!

I read tons of articles and blogs on gardening. I took notes, and made lots of changes to what I was doing based on what I read.

I believe in growing as organically as possible, so I totally bought into companion planning. By planting certain plants together, they help each other thrive. You may not see in any of the pics below, but I planted a border of marigolds and garlic around the perimeter of the garden. The marigolds keep insects and other small pests away, and along with the garlic, the smell repels rabbits and squirrels who were the primary culprits who ate up last year's crop. Larry is also excited about the prospect of a garlic harvest in a few months.

Anna Claire's favorite: our blueberry bushes!



One of Anna Claire's favorite vegetables: Zucchini. We haven't had to buy any all summer.

I see what will soon be yummy bell peppers!

Cherry tomatoes - planted just for Anna Claire. She LOVES them.

Flat leaf parsley
Lemon balm



Tomatoes. Couple more days on these guys. Can't wait! They're our first ones of the summer.

Pumpkin. Planted it in hopes of producing ONE for Anna Claire by Halloween. It is a huge, aggressive little plant! You know those spirally things that grow off pumpkins? They attached themselves to EVERYTHING. We have started referring to the pumpkin plant as "the Beast."  Next year I will plant a pumpkin patch somewhere far away from the rest of the garden. I cut it way back this morning, leaving only this one blossom.

Baby carrots and broccolli


Micro cilantro

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