Monday, January 2, 2012

Starting the New Year with Laughter

One of my resolutions this year is to laugh more. Anna Claire is making this one easy to keep, since she is such a funny little girl!

For example, during her nap yesterday, I threw out 3 small tomatoes that had been sitting in the window to ripen, but unfortunately sat a little too long. Shortly after, Larry coincidently placed 3 new large tomatoes in the same spot after returning from Walmart. Anna Claire came downstairs after her nap, looked at the window and shouted, "Look! My tomatoes got bigger! My tomatoes! They ready now?"

Another example, was her reaction to the new mittens and hat I got her. She had bright blue already, but they did not match her dark green coat at all, and it had been bugging me. So I got her new cream colored mittens and a hat, since I am a fan of neutrals, but not considering her own personal taste. I showed her the new gear, and she scowled at me, "No Mommy! I have some blue mittens! I wear some blue mittens. I don't wike those mittens!" She repeated this over and over until I put them away out of sight. ;)

This reminds me of another story. Last week, one of Anna Claire's friend's mommies shared with me that her little girl had the same Old Navy coat as Anna Claire, only hers was pink, and that she asked Anna Claire about this. She said, "Anna Claire, you have a coat just like Emmy." Anna Claire said, "I don't have anything." So I asked her again that afternoon, "Anna Claire, do you have the same coat as Emmy?" She said, "No Mommy. I don't be having pink coat like Emmy! I have green coat." Funny!

Finally, today, Anna Claire asked, "Where my toys Santa gave me?" I took her around and showed her the new homes I had found for everything. She said, "NO! It were right there," and pointed to where we had all of them displayed Christmas morning. I said, "Oh, you want everything out on the floor again where Santa put it so you can see it all. "Yeah!!! " Her eyes lit up. I explained that many of the things Santa gave her were clothes that were now washed and in her closet, or goodies and treats that were now downstairs in the kitchen, but we did get out many of the toys and art supplies and put them back in THE SPOT so she could see them again. She was content with this.

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