Thursday, January 13, 2011

Everything is Night Night.

Teachers at both school and church have commented to me that Anna Claire says "nigh nigh" (night night) all the time. And they would be correct. She does.

I have found though, that "nigh nigh" means many, many different things, and almost never means she's tired. I would say, for one, Anna Claire is most definitely confusing night night for bye bye. I would also say she is personifying inanimate objects, and to her, it can mean something is over.

When credits roll on one of her shows, or when a closing song begins playing, that TV show is "nigh nigh." For example, when the Fresh Beat Band begins to sing "Great Day", they are "nigh nigh".

In the car, when a song is almost over, it is "nigh nigh."

When someone leaves the room or is about to leave the room, they are nigh nigh.

My favorite nigh nigh use is when we are at the doctor's office and Dr. Roads needs to check Anna Claire's ears or nose, which she dislikes, she chants "nigh nigh, nigh nigh, nigh nigh, nigh nigh!" until he is done. Same thing when I have to take her temp. It's too funny.

I have used "nigh nigh" for my own self-serving purposes. For example, when I want her to leave the suction cup fishies alone on the bottom of the tub, I tell her they are nigh nigh. She will reply, "Awww....nigh nigh!" And manuever around them in the bathtub so she does not wake them up. It is SO cute.

Another way this has served us - when we need Anna Claire to put away a toy, all we have to do is tell her it's time for it to go night night. And she's good with it! No tears or power struggle. EVER.

Although we are working with her on understanding the difference between bye bye and night night, I personally love nigh nigh!

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