Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Happy Girl is Back. Another Ear Infection: Imminent

We took Anna Claire to the doctor this afternoon to make sure her ear infection had cleared up, and it has, thank God.

Raising Anna Claire with an ear infection is like walking on eggshells, 24/7. You never know what mood she will be in or how she will behave. Extremely trying in public. Emotionally draining to endure her poor treatment of us: yelling, telling us "no," hitting, kicking, head-butting, not listening, insisting on one parent over another, refusing to go potty (accidents galore).

Raising healthy Anna Claire is a joy. She is happy-go-lucky, fun, and energetic. Her behavior is consistently good. Love taking her out in public and showing her off. Love all of the hugs and kisses and just being with her. I have loved painting and reading books with her, and even doing household chores with her the past couple of days. She is such a sweet little helper! She is back on the potty train, and loved being treated to Berry Bear, a trip to the toy store, and going to see Christmas lights for such good behavior.

Given these polar opposites in demeanor, we plan to pursue the option of getting tubes when we meet with her primary care doctor next month. She has not had the magic number of ear infections (six), and just misses the cut off each year.

We believe, however, in quality of life for our family, and when she has an ear infection, it infects our whole family dynamic, even the way Larry and I interact with each other. It's why I see tubes as a solution to major source of stress in our home.

Now that she is back to her happy self, I catch myself waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know another ear infection is almost guaranteed given the time of year, as hers are seasonal, and we are just now entering winter. But these short periods of bliss are wonderful, and I intend to enjoy every moment, in the meantime.

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