Thursday, June 6, 2013


 Anna Claire has thoroughly enjoyed VBS this week. Although she insists on calling it PBS (I guess like "PBS Kids"?) We have both explained to her that it's "VBS" and she looked at us like we were crazy, so PBS it is!

She has come home each day telling us about their crafts like making a necklace and making a jar. She also has been eager to tell us about their snacks: sweet and salty popcorn, and popsicles. She was so proud of her stamps and stickers each day for being a good listener.

I have noticed a sweetness about her this week, which could be VBS related. I do believe God rewards us when we honor him, so maybe our reward is her excellent behavior. She has been absolutely precious all week and has gone out of her way to be helpful!

The VBS T-shirt has been very important this week (you can see it in pics at the end of this post). After picking her up on Monday, that was all I heard, that she really wanted a VBS shirt like her friends. I tried buying one at the church Tuesday and Wednesday, but they were out. I finally called Lifeway where the church got them, and they were able to have when shipped to their Clarksville store from Nashville for her by Wednesday afternoon. She was so excited!

I was able to see AC's water games at "PBS." They had to fill a giant sponge with water from this bucket...

Then run and squeeze it into this bucket. Then run back to start, like a relay.

This is Anna Claire with Mr. John. She came home talking about him everyday this week.

The four-year-old teachers all used jump ropes to keep up with their kiddos when walking them from one destination to another. Notice the outfit - AC refused to wear regular clothes on water day when we told her she could get wet. She insisted on wearing her swimsuit and cove-up and that I bring her a change of clothes for after. :)

The kids reached their goal for offering, so the directors of children's ministry kept their end of the bargain and got slimed. And this was not green Nickelodeon slime was a yucky brown color. Kudos to them!
Anna Claire was so excited about her VBS performance. I think she developed a fondness for being onstage at dance recital last week - no stage fright for this girl. ;)

Anna Claire and her sweet cousin Carolyn.

Not the clearest pic in the world, but I love how excited they look to get their red glowsticks from their teacher since they are the "red group" of 4 year olds.

Waiting for their turn to perform.

Anna Claire and her friend Parker (right). Parker's mom and I did yoga together while we were preggers with these two.

On the "big screen" at Hilldale

Pop came! She was so proud.

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