Monday, June 3, 2013


Anna Claire loves, loves, loves gymnastics. It is just about the best 50 bucks I spend each month.

Gymnastics isn't just something I put my child in for fun or to keep her busy, although it does both of those things. My eyes literally well up with tears each week as I watch my little girl progress and I'll tell you why.

Anna Claire didn't start walking until 18 months. And it's not because we didn't work with her. She had all of the walking toys, we stood her up holding onto our fingers, gave her Exersaucer time each day...all of those things. But she was a little knee-walker - it was just her preferred method of transport.

We took her to the doctor about it and also consulted with a physical therapist. I was worried if and when she would ever walk, and about what damage months of walking on her knees would do to her in the long run.

I patched the knees on all of her jeans and pants for months, and worried about her daily knowing that the outdoor play area for her age group was pavement.

Gymnastics has leveled the playing field for my child. She was the only girl to score a goal in soccer last week, and just wrapped up her first dance recital where she held her own with all of her classmates. I truly credit Action Gymnastics for giving my child the gifts of coordination, confidence, and mobility to move her in the direction of being on par with her peers.


I noticed the other day when Anna Claire was running across the yard that she has super-toned biceps! I am thinking this is why! She is getting so good at bars - pulling herself up, holding herself up, flipping... In the middle pics she is grabbing stuffed animals between her legs then tossing them into a hula hoop in front of her. :)

Getting so much better at beam. I am so impressed with how much these girls do with my baby in an hour. She is so much more comfortable on it, and gets that she needs to focus!

I just love this pic!
See this sweet girl on the left? I was her daycare teacher years ago!
I love how they celebrate accomplishments! When kids finally master a skill they've struggled with, they get to ring the bell!
Anna Claire with her daycare and gymnastics buddy, Amelia!
Her favorite: side to side jump on trampoline!

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