Monday, November 15, 2010

October/November Update

Not sure where to begin, but Anna Claire and I have both been through our fair share of health-related issues this month (stomach virus for her and kidney infection and sciatic nerve pain for me). It has been a physically tiring month, but also exciting watching this sweet baby girl learn so many new things every day.

Anna Claire is now able to read the majority of the YBCR words, and many other words, simply from repeated exposure to them in books. I just finished editing a video for her in iMovie, using the same format as YBCR, but with words that are important to her in her world. I can't wait for her to see it. She is also the star of the video, along with Kitty and many of her toys. I think she will be very excited.

We have wanted a toy kitchen for Anna Claire for several months now. We were so blessed that our friend Gan's daughter had no interest in her toy kitchen, he offered it to us for Anna Claire. We drove to Brentwood last weekend to pick it up, and she absolutely loves it. She is not able to reach the microwave or open the top cabinets yet, but there are so many other features she can enjoy, that she does not care.

We are currently working on good manners and nice hands. She wants to throw her toys (and food at mealtime). She also wants to pull Kitty's tail and grab faces. She REALLY loves praise, wants to please, and seems remorseful right away when scolded, so it is getting better.

Walking. Not yet. She does not want to, but will walk for long distances holding mine or Larry's fingers. After talking to my cousin last week, who is a physical therapist, I became concerned. He said that walking on her knees for so long will cause her to walk on her tip toes and not properly develop the muscles in her legs that children use naturally by walking flat-footed. He said she may need PT if she doesn't start walking soon. But he also suggested an exercise I can do with her after bathtime each night to help her develop those muscles. She really likes the exercise. It's sort of a massage and stretch similar to some we do in yoga class. In fact, after I put on her Baby Aquaphor she sticks her feet in the air for me to do the exercise. It's cute.

Don't get me wrong. I am HIGHLY motivated to get this kiddo walking. My doctor suggested that carrying a 23 lb. baby, who isn't walking yet, could be part of reason I'm experiencing the sciatic pain. I fully intend on pushing through this pain, because I plan on being a very physically active Mommy.

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