Monday, November 22, 2010

Gaining Confidence

Anna Claire is gaining confidence everyday in her ability to walk independently. This weekend, every time she wanted to get up on her knees to cross the room, I've asked her if she wants to walk and offer my fingers. She pulls up, and we cross the room. Today at "school", her teacher said she would pull to standing when asked and walk holding just one finger. I expect to walk into her class any day now, and for them to tell me she has been walking all over the place.

She also became extremely attached to her paci and blanket during her two week illness earlier this month. We allowed her to have them nonstop, and are now paying the price. We have gone back to only allowing them at bedtime, which is resulting in tears in the car, when snuggling, and during Mommy/Anna Claire reading time. I know it will get easier, but the past two days have been rough.

Today she enjoyed playing in her kitchen, stirring good things to eat and having Mommy taste them. She had fun coloring and fingerpainting. Since reading Harold and the Purple Crayon, she has a definite preference for her purple crayon.

I am looking forward to spend this long weekend with my precious girl and to share traditions and excitement of the holiday season with her!

1 comment:

  1. I am sad to report that Harold and his Purple Crayon have since corrupted our budding artist. She is making Mommy nervous with her purple crayon at her book center. Goodbye Harold. The library can have you back.
