Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Months of the Year, Days of the Week

First off, here is a little video clip I shot today of her saying her months of the year. She said all 12 perfectly! My trigger finger wasn't quite fast enough, so you'll only hear May through December.

Anna Claire knows her days of the week and has for some time. She also knows what happens on each of these days. If I tell her it is Sunday, she can tell me we will go to church and see Meme. If it's Thursday, she knows she has ABC music and show and tell. She also asks me everyday, "Mommy you goin' to yoga class today?" I have told her I only go Mondays and Wednesdays, and she now gets that I never go on weekends and has stopped asking those days.
I would also like to take this opportunity to keep current on all of Anna Claire's little sayings.
She loves ending sentences with:

Either: I can't reach that EITHER.
At all: I'm not happy AT ALL.
Instead: I can have banana INSTEAD.

Lately, after getting mad or saying "no" to us, she'll add, "I said that to you!" or "I talked to you like that!"

I may have mentioned these in a previous post, but it is just so cute, and said with such feeling.
She loves playing "magic show" and making coins "disappear." She will stack like coins together, like dimes for example, and then announces, "Ta-da! I make them disappear. It magic."
When I pick her up from school, she is still asking for hot chocolate, even though it's been weeks since we've had any. Thirty days to break a habit, right?

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