Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday? Yes, it was.

Today I took a personal leave day since Anna Claire's daycare was closed for Good Friday. I have loved being home with her.

We began with a wonderfully lazy morning. We stayed in pajamas much longer than usual and had a later breakfast. Anna Claire loves not having to rush and getting in extra cuddle time with both parents and Blanket.

Because Larry does the grocery shopping for the household, going to Walmart is very exciting for Anna Claire. We made a brief excursion there to get more Motrin to help with her ear pain and general fussiness. Anna Claire is beginning to love looking at clothes. She has a definite opinion about what she likes and what she doesn't, and she enjoys naming the pictures, shapes, and colors on all of the clothing.

When we got home, we spent a long time outside, and a good bit of time on the potty (she asked to go a half dozen times, but only used once today, in the AM).

While outside, I was excited for Anna Claire to see a couple of things she had never seen before: the garbage truck picking up our trash, and a robin taking a long, leisurely bath in a puddle on the side of the house. Afterward, Anna Claire and I collected rocks from the front of the yard to place under and around the hose area so that it is not so muddy. Anna Claire enjoyed helping me collect the rocks and digging in some top soil with her toy shovel.

We went inside for a bit and no doubt to potty, then it was important to Swiffer (which Anna Claire calls "mop") and to use the broom. She loves to help clean! The broom and Swiffer are really awkward for her to maneuver. I am thinking a small child-size broom is in her future - adding it to my list of things to get her, along with a child's umbrella. She LOVES mine.

After her nap, which was brief, I took Anna Claire to Mary's Gardens to check out their berry and herb selection. Pushing a stroller through gravel ain't easy, so our visit was brief, and she let me know about it! "Mama! No! Ride! Ride! Hum! (fun!)"

Anna Claire has been referring to herself in the third-person this week, which is hilarious. Like this morning, after the robin finished her bath in the puddle, Anna Claire pointed to herself and asked, "Pudd-o....bath...Cwaire?" She also noticed my zucchini seedlings have really grown and pointed them out. She told the zucchini while rubbing her belly, "Chini! Grow! Grow! Cwaire eat!" Zucchini, please listen to my child. Mommy would like to eat you too!

This evening, it was important to Anna Claire to befriend some squirrels. I'm interested in this too, especially since finding out my friend Cheryl totally tamed a squirrel now has him for a pet. We grabbed a bag of stale whole wheat bread and headed outside to make friends. I told Anna Claire about how my Mamaw and I used to throw bread to the birds and squirrels and sit and watch for them to come and eat it. She really believed me, and I think she would have camped out all night waiting for them, if need be. Fortunately this wasn't necessary. We had a taker right away. He didn't seem the least bit scared of us, but it did take a lot of coaching on my part. Lots of "ssssh"-ing and reminders, "move very, very slow so you don't scare him." She really listens! She really must want to be their friend!

Well, this was our day. It may be simple, but it was good.

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