Thursday, April 7, 2011


Anna Claire has loved naming objects for months now. She is now tagging on adjectives to these, and her vocabulary is growing and growing! I am constantly amazed!

This weekend, Anna Claire stroked my hair and said, "hair...pwetty!" My heart just melted. I love it and I love her.

Today, Miss Ashley, her daycare teacher shared that Anna Claire pointed to her necklace and said "heart" (it was a heart pendant) and then "pwetty." Ashley was really touched.

As we were leaving the Red Barn, Anna Claire pointed to the paintings the children made of zebras and said  "paint"..."fun!"

Anna Claire LOVES dandelion puffs (which she is ironically allergic to, I'm afraid). She picked one today, hugged it, and said, "puff!"..."wuv it"..."honey". She has been told repeatedly that bees make honey from flowers and she knows the puffs form from the yellow flowers, so that's what "honey" is about.

Tonight Larry handed her a warm bowl from the dishwasher. She hollered, "hot!"

Whenever she sees the word zoo (remember she can read over 200 words), she says "woo! fun! again!" I always tell her we'll go again.

Tonight at dinner, Anna Claire looked out the window at the dogwood trees and said, "pwetty!" I talked to her about the trees, that the ones with white flowers are called dogwoods. She said, "wood wood! pwetty! fwower! pwetty!"

As she was eating her hot dog tonight, I showed her Mommy and Daddy were eating hot dogs too. She said, "dog dog! wuv it! yum!"

I could also get off topic and share that she asks us to write "Anna" every time we get out crayons and paper. She calls out, "ah-nah! ah-nah! ah-nah! cwaire!" until you write her name. Then she says, "name!"

I could continue to stay off topic and share that I write words in bath crayon on the shower wall each night. Tonight she read, "bath", "shadow", and cupcake." SHE IS 21 MONTHS!

I stay amazed.

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