Thursday, August 7, 2014

Kindergarten parent homework

Mrs. Hayhurst, Anna Claire's kindergarten teacher, gave us a homework assignment for the start of school that I really think I'm going to enjoy! We're supposed I write a letter to her letting her know what kind of learner Anna Claire is, what her interests are, and anything else we think she should know about her. 

Here it goes!

Anna Claire is a very sweet, thoughtful and sensitive little girl. I think you'll find her to be considerate of others and a friend to all.

Anna Claire enjoys art, music, reading, food (dad is a classically trained chef), gymnastics, and spending time with her family. She is wanting to play soccer this fall but only if Maggie Williams or their Red Barn friend Ava plays, however we are trying to encourage Anna Claire to make choices based on her own interests versus what her friends want.

Anna Claire can read just about anything you put in front of her. We did Your Baby Can Read with her and it definitely works if done with fidelity. It does not translate, however, to writing, though Anna Claire has only recently started showing interest in even wanting to write words.

Anna Claire has a new little sister, Madeline. We have faced some issues with jealousy in the past 10 months. We have tried spending one on one time with Anna Claire and just really trying to go out of our way to let her know she's special. It is slowly getting better and easier.

Anna Claire has lost three major adult figures in her life in under a year: my mom last September, Larry's step-dad in April, and our small group leader and close family friend a couple of weeks ago (Anna Claire spent every Tuesday evening in their home for about a year).

Anna Claire is a nail biter. We have incentives in place at home (Beary Bear) to encourage her to stop. We have also explained to her the importance of keeping her hands out of her mouth at school to keep herself and her friends healthy. Your support with this is appreciated!

Anna Claire is left-handed. She has special left-handed scissors in her school box that have both the handle and blade reversed, which is really what a lefty needs. I've really seen improvement since getting her this pair. Anna Claire has not been very receptive to her daddy or me showing her how to correctly hold her pencil and we've struggled with how to model for her since we are both right-handed.

Anna Claire is a good girl, but we are aware she is not perfect. She struggles with listening to and following directions, so focus and paying attention are concerns. Anna Claire is honest most of the time but we have caught her telling stories recently. She really wants to please and Red Barn teachers loved her to pieces. I am sure you will too.

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