Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

 We went to church this morning. I am loving that Grace switched from 8:30 start time to 9. That extra half hour is awesome.

Anna Claire was fine with going to church, but there was apparently a bully in her Sunday school class who pushed her and took her snack. When we picked her up she was throwing the biggest tantrum I have seen her throw in a long time. Larry rescued the poor teacher and picked her up. She started pushing with both hands against Larry's throat and kicking.

She finally was able to calm down enough to explain why she was so upset. "Snack! My snack!"

I asked the teacher if she got a snack. She said she had graham cracker, but went and got her another one. Anna Claire pushed the teacher's hand away. "No! Snack!!"

I looked behind me and saw a jar of long fat pretzel sticks. I asked if they had pretzels too. They did. "Anna Claire, did you get a pretzel?"

"Boy took mine!"

Aha. We gave her a pretzel but she continued to have a fit as we worked our way through the hundreds up people making there way in to the 10:00 service. Sigh.


Fast forward to after nap. My mom and I took Anna Claire to her friend Lyla's house for an Easter Egg hunt. The hunt was a blast, but afterward we had another pretty major tantrum.

Anna Claire apparently wanted to go play upstairs with Lyla's toys, but the plan for after the hunt was to play outside with bubbles. I was so put out with her bad behavior (refused to leave the egg hunt and go back to the house with everyone else, screamed when Lyla's dad gave her water...she wanted milk, screamed when he gave her the milk in a sippy cup per my request, tantrum when I offered to take her outside to find her friends, tantrum when I said ok that we could stay inside).

Turns out she had to poop. She holds it in for days, doesn't want to do it in the potty, then is a total monster the whole day of. It explains it.

It also motivated me to go buy some Miralax. Starting it ASAP. We are done with this not pooping (for the birds).

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