Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Week in the Life...

This week Anna Claire has hit several milestones: feeding herself with a spoon, standing using one hand only for support, brushing Mommy's hair, feeding Mommy, touching her head when asked, putting blocks in containers, taking one nap (it is 1 hr 15, but she's sleeping 30 min. longer at night since we are bedding her down 30 min earlier), saying, "Yeah, yeah, yeah", and singing, "I did it, I did it, I did it" during Dora's "We did it" song. She also likes making the "V" sound and the "F" sound. Larry thinks she will start talking before she learns to walk.

This week I have also encountered some challenges. She is TOO ticklish - making it very hard to clip her toenails, asleep or awake. She's wearing socks and shoes most of the time now, but I know it needs to get done. I am open to suggestions!

This week we had jello fun. I made a large container of strawberry jello just for Anna Claire. Larry and I put her in the yard and let her have at it. I'm posting a video below for your enjoyment. Not sure which is funnier - her with the jello or me escaping my predator. ;)

We have also been visiting the Red Barn once a week to get Anna Claire comfortable with the other babies, her teachers, and her classroom. This is helping a lot! She looks forward to our time there.

Yesterday she and I drove to Todd Co. to Schlabach's Amish bakery. We picked up some homemade bread, cinnamon rolls and honey. Before leaving to return home. We sat on their front porch and shared a tasty pastry while we watched the butterflies, bluebirds and beautiful flowers. Anna Claire said it best, "Mmmmm, Mama!"

This morning Larry and I took her to pick blackberries and blueberries at the Tin Barn. I think she had just as many berries as we put in our bucket. One for the bucket. One for the baby. One for the bucket. One for the baby. She had a precious purple stained face when it was all said and done, and a big smile. Our harvest was so pitiful, the nice owners gave them to us free of charge. We felt obliged to buy one of their pre-picked pints, so we do have some for later!

The second video I'm including in this post is just short snippets of one evening outside.

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