Tuesday, July 6, 2010

First Swimming Lesson

Swimming lessons are a hit. Anna Claire loves being in the water and being with other babies, so I shouldn't be too surprised!

On the way to the Y, I told her we were going to "splash in the water with babies" and that we were "going to have fun". She "whoooo"ed, and clapped enthusiastically.

When we got there I worried how she would do b/c we were 10 minutes early. I sought out the instructor to see if there was anything we needed to do, and considered getting in the water early. She informed me that it was a class I needed to register for. I stressed that I had dropped the ball and worried that we would have to go back home with no swimming after I had gotten Anna Claire so pumped up. So we went back to the front desk, and I explained. Everyone was super-kind and let us register with no problem.

I was surprised that the class began by having the moms dunk the babies underwater. It was fine, the instructors said, as long as we followed the dunking with a big smile and a "yay!" This worked beautifully. The babies loved going in and out of the water! We then sat the babies on the edge and they "jumped" into the water.

Next, we did a series of songs in a circle, like "Wheels on the Bus", and "Ring around the Roses".

Finally we had the babies "dive" for toys on the entrance ramp. Anna Claire did not quite get this. She would rather watch the other babies and splash.

I was so proud of her throughout the entire class. She was by far the most enthusiastic student and it was apparent she enjoyed herself.

The only detail I am leaving out, was not a big deal to me, but it was to the instructors. Our lessons were on one side of the heated pool, and a seniors class on the other. One of the seniors made her way to our side and started talking to Anna Claire. She seemed sweet enough. She was probably in her 70s, a little Asian lady. She held her arms out, and Anna Claire reached out to her. The lady picked her up, and I allowed it. The instructors shook the heads "NO" at me. They were visibly upset. I walked over to them and they explained this was a problem they encountered every week. I moved to the other side of our section of the pool which prevented any further encounters.

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