Friday, September 20, 2013

Bathtime Moments and Funnies

Tonight at bath, Anna Claire asked if she could have some shave cream on the wall to paint with, so I got her some. She worked at it with diligence for quite some time, and after she was satisfied she said, "Mommy, I made a beautiful painting for Meme. She can see it in heaven."

Later, she was playing with her bathtime Barbie, and took off her underpants. She put them on Barbie's head and I asked, "Anna Claire, what are you doing to Barbie?"

She whipped back, "Barbie's going to a crazy no-pants party!" then cracked up laughing.

Then she took Barbie, Ariel, and another random mermaid doll, covered them up and said, "All of these dolls are going to be with Jesus now, just like Meme. Because Jesus loves them so much and he wants them to be with him. He needs them."

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