Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Notable Things Anna Claire Said and Did This Week

What She's Saying...

"That miso soup, Mommy? Those marshmellows in there?" (in reference to the tofu floating in my miso)

"Do you have any questions?"

"You need my help, Daddy? I can't help you right now. I'm busy. I need to talk to Mommy."

"How do we get there, Daddy?" (Dora reference - always followed up by a list of 3 place she'd like to go at that moment)

"I still workin' on my masterpiece."

"Can I have hot chocolate and marshmellows in a bowl? Please" (Insert tummy rub here, which is sign language for "please")

"I used potty all day. You happy, Mommy?"

What She's Doing...

Anna Claire is able to supply more and more words I leave out when I read to her, which either means she has an excellent memory since we are on a rotation of more than 100 books, OR she can read these words. I suspect it's a combination of the 2. Either way she's so gosh darn smart.

Anna Claire can still count to 20, and knows all the words to most popular nursery rhymes/songs, but now will follow them up by saying, "Now count with me!" "Now sing with me!" And will actually want us to sing or count with her a second time. Love it.

She loves her Team Umizoomi math kit. She now knows many more shapes, including the 3 dimensional ones. She is understanding patterning and classifying very well. She enjoys classifying things by colors on her own. This is easy to see when she plays mega blocks. She wants each level of a structure to be the same color.

Anna Claire is left-handed. She holds her crayon or pencil just like we would. We have known about her handedness for about a year now, but I don't know that I've ever included that tidbit in a blog post. So there you go.

She can take her pants off by herself...completely off. She probably has been able to for some time, but has never quite followed through on it to the point she is now. She enjoys streaking through the house and running naked.

She still prefers to eat with her fingers. We really don't fight this battle much, other than encouraging her to please use her fork and explaining why.

Anna Claire is almost completely weaned off receiving a treat for going potty. She quit asking for one and we definitely don't remind.

She is still refusing to poop on the potty.

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