Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Current Anna Claire-isms

Larry co-wrote this blog entry with me...these are our favorite of Anna Claire's current expressions:

"You can't."  - i.e., "Mommy, you can't have my snack."

"Mommy not takin' it." or "Daddy not takin' it." - used anytime Anna Claire feels her belongings are threatened, which is most of the time.

"He not comin' over."  - when any "bad guy" is on TV or in a movie. She wants to be reassured that he is staying on that side of the TV screen, and not coming into our living room. "Bad guys" include: Swiper the Fox, the Abominable Snowman on Rudolph, and Mr. Nezzer on Veggie Tales. :)

"I havin' hard time."  - used when unable to accomplish a task by herself.

"Special, special treat"  - whatever her currency for going potty happens to be. Currently it's chocolate coins and chocolate Santas.

"Daddy, you play wit me?"  - continues to repeat this even after Daddy is sitting down and playing with her.

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