Sunday, August 28, 2011

What Anna Claire is up to today...

Today Anna Claire is really asserting herself through her fashion. She insisted on wearing her Crocs and sunglasses to church. I prefer a happy child over a color-coordinated one, so I went with it.

She has also invented a new game today (we've already played it twice). She plays the recorder, I play the tambourine and twirl a ribbon, and Daddy gets a birthday party blowout and twirls a ribbon. We march from room to room. Then we do the usual...turn off the lights and get our flashlight and glow in the dark yo-yo.

Later on, we played grocery store. She has a shopping cart and toy food, but it never occurred to me to give her grocery bags. So she came up with her own. I just got a pair of new Puma sneakers, and Anna Claire has claimed the plastic bags that each shoe was wrapped in as her grocery bags. She announced this as soon as she saw them come out of the box, "Aw Cwaire have grocery bag too!" She carries them everywhere. They are currently holding 2 potatoes, a pizza slice and corn on the cob.

Oh, and the wasp. There is a pesky wasp who will not leave us alone at the water table. Anna Claire is so good about moving away when he lights to get a drink. She does yell at him, "Go away fwy. Go away fwy!" She is calling all bugs flies or ants these days.

Speaking of bugs and ants, she saw a bug in the bathroom and hollered, "Ant! Ant!" so I started looking around on the floor. Then, knowing better, I looked up, and there was the "flying ant",  a gnat.

Think that's funny? Tonight at bath, Anna Claire said, "Aw Cwaire make jam."
I said, " What kind of jam?"
"Toe jam," she said with a big smile on her face as she continued to stir.

Love her.

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