Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lori's House - Playdate with Adam

Saturday, after nap, we went over to Lori's so that she and I could visit and for the kids to get to play together.

The kids had a lot of fun. Lori was the perfect host, always so thoughtful...offering fruit, juice, homemade cookies. She even snuck a bag of cookies in my purse for us to take home.

AC harvesting chocolate, and Adam being cute.

It was great to visit. I was surprised how much I could trust Anna Claire to play with Adam and be a good girl while we talked. It has got me really thinking of the benefits of having a second child. It did help that Adam was such a sweet boy, and so generous with his toys. She had a ball playing with all of the different toys.

I wouldn't say I buy all girl toys, but she has nothing like what Adam has. He had a train set, trucks, power tools, and lots of flashlights. Lori even made a tent in her bedroom for the kids, all of which she loved. Oh, Adam also had a little piano which Anna Claire thought was very cool.

I see a keyboard purchase in my future.

We went outside for a little while. Didn't stay too long since it was so hot. Richard just got a Boxer/Pit Bull puppy named Nina who is very sweet. Anna Claire loved seeing the puppy and petting their cat, Kitty. She also enjoyed Adam's swing and playing inside the playset.

AC and Kitty



Cute kiddos!


1 comment:

  1. We had a great time! I told my mom how sweet Adam was to Anna Claire, and she was not surprised...she knows of his attractions to pretty, blonde, sweet little girls! We will have to do it "Gain". Big hugs to Angie and AC!
