Sunday, December 6, 2015

Anna Claire's Top 10 Favorite Things

I love doing these top 10 posts on the girls every December a) because it's neat to look back on and b) it helps me plan for stocking stuffers. 

I mean, I kill it when it comes to picking out stocking stuffers. And few things bring me greater joy to seeing those smiles on Christmas morning.

For AC I'm going with these as her current faves:

1) movie (prob will give her tickets to Star Wars or Chipmunks movie)
2) makeup or accessories. She goes ape for all that girlie stuff.
3) chocolate. And not Hershey's. Oh no, my girl takes after her mama. High quality dark chocolate. Add sea salt? Even better.
4) Christmas movies. She loves them all. I try to make sure and get her one every Christmas. This year she really likes Home Alone so maybe that one.
5) art supplies. Some things never change. My girl loves every medium. May get her a nice set of pens and one of those adult coloring books.
6) gymnastics. Gotta find a cute new Leo. She needs several.
7) clothes. Prob will find new socks, underwear, etc. she needs new tights too.
8) EOs. I will probably make her a little EO based perfume. She really likes mine. She's getting a new diffuser necklace too.
9) books. Anna Claire has just started learning the joy of independent reading. She loves Junie B Jones but getting a little anxious to try something else. I'm on the hunt for other series she would like.
10) funnies. Anna Claire has a great sense of humor. Gotta find some things just to crack her up. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Anna Claire's 6th birthday party

This year I decided to scale way back on the Birthday party planning. I admittedly did things on to grand of a scale the past 3 years, but they really did turn out to be special days (core memories, they would call them in the new Inside Out movie).

This year AC wanted a sparkly sunset/Hawaii theme. I was looking through my newsfeed on Facebook and saw a place downtown called Horsefeathers was doing kids' painting classes. I wondered if they did birthdays, so I called and sure enough they did. It was such a sweet little party. No more inviting the whole class required so that took off lot of pressure. Just a few little friends.

Afterward we took her to dinner at Liberty Park Grille in hopes to actually see a sunset but it was very hot! It was a special evening nevertheless and AC was thrilled with how the whole day turned it. And that's what a mom is after, isn't it? Can't ask for much more.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Can't Help But Love Sister

Our first year with two girls was challenging to say the least. Anna Claire struggled sharing attention with the new baby and lashed out at us in many unexpected ways. 

Madeline has been a pretty easy baby, comparatively, and continues to love her big sis and want to be everywhere she is. This has fortunately, over time, had a positive effect. Anna Claire is coming around and loves having her little sis look up to her. 

We went through a phase that was really sad and difficult for us where Anna Claire actually did things to try and hurt the baby. It is hard to talk about or admit because I worry in some way it's a reflection on me as a parent. I'm just so thankful that we seem to be beyond that And that my girls are at a point where they love and enjoy each other. 

Anna Claire still gets frustrated with having to share with Madeline and when the baby demands our attention but she is leaps and bounds beyond where she was. She is starting to view herself as a caregiver and protector of her sister in a way that warms my heart.

I so want them to grow up having a close bond in a way I never had with a sibling. We are definitely working hard to promote it! 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

What Anna Claire is into right now.

Anna Claire has developed several unique hobbies lately that are worth mentioning before they fall out of favor:

She wants to be a saucier. She loves, (i mean LOVES) making sauces, dips, condiments. If her Daddy is cooking and it involves a sauce, she's there. She also is obsessed with several cooking channel and food network shows.

She loves designing dresses and hairstyles. I've started putting award shows on my calendar so I don't forget about them. They really inspire her to create these amazingly intricate dresses and hairdos for someone who's only five. 

Anna Claire wants to read on her own. Bedtime routine has been extended by about 10 minutes to allow time for her to read to us instead of the other way around.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Report card: 1st semester kindergarten

Anna Claire brought home a glowing report card full of S's and M's. 

The only thing we need to work on is punctuation and writing complete sentences. That did not surprise me in the slightest. She refuses invent spell or to write a word unless she KNOWS how to spell it. That seems to be the holdup. Anna Claire is a little OCD like mom about language and grammar!

Friday, January 9, 2015

First Spelling Test

Anna Claire is so excited to take her first spelling test today! She's been talking about it all week.

She said, "Mommy, if we get them all right we get CANDY!" What that girl won't do for candy. 

Can't wait to hear about it this afternoon.

Update: AC made a 100 and got her candy! :)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

First time using Easy Bake Oven

Anna Claire got her Easy Bake Oven from our beloved Mr. Ken. With her baby sister taking up much of my time and attention but after some begging and pleading, we got her oven out today and it was fun.

I will say the quality of their food products is not great and I question nutritional value, if any. Everything's a packet. We made the pizzas and the "egg wash" was dark brown! Needless to say we didn't use that.

Next time I'll just do like my mom and when I bake a cake or cookies, I'll let AC pat out little ones for her oven.