I may feel inside as though I am "ready to pop" the next person who makes such a comment, but would never follow through as I am not a violent person. I would like to dedicate this blog post to giving 4 reasons why feel like popping them.
1. I have a small frame, and a pregnant belly looks bigger on small-statured women. Please consider this before making such a comment. I can't help that the baby has little room to grow vertically, so she has to grow out horizontally. I will only get bigger, but to the peanut gallery, this will likely and unfortunately increase the frequency of the "pop" comment.
2. I am going for a full-term baby. When people tell me I'm not going to make it, it literally hurts my heart. Research shows that full-term babies are blessed with the life-long advantage of having fewer health issues and that they academically outperform preemies. Don't take my word for it. Check out:
3. I'm due on my mom's birthday. Momma is on hospice and doesn't have much time left here with us. Wouldn't it be amazing and special if the baby was born on her birthday! So, when someone tells me I'm not going to make it, I kind of want to sock them.
4. Eighty-nine percent of expectant mothers make it to full-term, as documented here.
I went past my due date with Anna Claire, and there is no medical reason why I should have a pre-term baby.
Allow me to inform: There are several reasons a woman might have a pre-term birth. None of which I exhibit. You can find a comprehensive list of reasons here.
Women can also take control of their nutrition, water intake and stress level. These three go a long way in promoting a full-term pregnancy. Proper exercise sounds cliche, but I do that as well.
I am a super-healthy eater. With both Anna Claire and Madeline, I've not only eaten healthy, I've done extensive research on the best food for pregnant moms and their growing babies. And then I eat those things!
Eight glasses of water a day is no joke. Ask a couple of my pregnant friends who had cramping and other complications early on in their pregnancies - I finally got them to buy into it and take it seriously and they are now complication-free. Water is magic stuff people. You've got to keep your amniotic fluid at a safe level.
Stress level is crucial. I am not afraid to ask for help and to know my limits. I prioritize growing this life above everything else. I will let anything that I feel is negatively impacting that slide!
Balance rest with movement. I don't over-exert myself. Again, being pregnant is my top priority, and I will alternate being active with periods of rest. I've also practiced yoga throughout my pregnancy. It aids with keeping the stress level low as well, and prepares you for labor.
So, that's it in a nutshell...the reasons I feel like popping my popper commenters.
Yes, I do realize I could have this baby tomorrow, only God knows. This is true. But in the meantime I fully intend to live my life as if I am carrying to full-term. I believe that the mind is a powerful thing and I also believe in the power of prayer. I believe God sees the desires of my heart, and that this baby is in His hands, regardless of a due date.
Until D-day, you will find me taking care of my body and my outlook sunny...preparing for my September 28 delivery date. :)